Capital Campaign

Beat the Heat

On April 28, 2024, our congregation began a capital campaign to replace, renovate, and restore several HVAC units. Most notably, this includes the large heating and air unit in the CDC (Christian Development  Center). The goal is to raise $150,000 in two years. We will update here periodically so you know how we are doing! We thank you for your willingness to support the ministry of Emmanuel in this way. In recognition of many generous donations that have already been given, the Church Council initially allocated $10,000 to this campaign. 

Beat the Heat before the Hot Weather sets in


Why are we doing a capital campaign?

  • We recognize and are thankful for the facilities that God has entrusted to us throughout the years. We know that any facilities come with maintenance and upkeep. While there is some money in dedicated accounts that could be drawn from, it isn't nearly enough for these significant costs as well as additional maintenance and upkeep that will soon be needed. 

What is the average lifespan of a commercial HVAC unit?

  • The lifespan of commercial HVAC units is around 15 to 20 years. Now Consider This: Our current sanctuary was completed in 1998 which means it is 26 years old. The Christian Development Center (CDC) was built in 1973 and is now 51 years old. We have been incredibly good stewards throughout the years with these systems. 

How many HVAC systems will be replaced?
  • The Property team has identified three units in the newer portion of the building that are at, or are nearing the end of their life span and will need to be replaced. In addition, there is a very large HVAC unit that serves the CDC building that is in similar condition. 

What happens if the HVAC needs to be replaced before the campaign meets its goal? Will the campaign continue?

  • Simply put, yes! We will continue raising funds until we meet our goal. We also realize that sometimes HVAC systems need to be replaced on a timeline that we can't set. We are committed to making sure that everyone that uses our facility throughout our church and the wider community is safe and comfortable. Our Beat the Heat Capital Campaign team, our Finance and Stewardship team, Property team, and our Church Council will work together to address any needs as they arise. 

I already give to the church, why do we need more?

  • Churches typically have two ways of thinking. Maintenance and mission. If we each only give what we've already been giving, this does a great job of maintaining what we currently have. Unfortunately, when significant needs arise, there is rarely much extra to improve and build upon what God is doing. A more faithful way of looking at church finances is through mission. We use our facilities to serve our community in numerous ways. This generosity enables us to not only maintain, but to also grow our witness in our community. 

Can this feasibly be done?

  • Simply put, yes! We realize that some people are in a position to give more to this project than others. And that is more than alright! We do strongly encourage you to pray about what you can provide for this need. As we commit to doing this, we recognize that we are better together than we are apart. If you are interested in being a part of a matching donation, please see the pastor, or the council president. This congregation has been a part of doing some amazing ministry over the past 170 years, and we trust that God continues to provide!