Emmanuel Lutheran Church

What We Believe

We are a part of the South Carolina Synod of Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), the largest Lutheran church body in the United States. So what makes us Lutheran? Quite simply, we are brought back into right relationship with God by God's grace alone through the faith of Jesus Christ alone. 

Claimed and sent

As children of God and marked with the cross of Christ forever, we, the members of Emmanuel Lutheran Church, will proclaim the good news and spread the word of our Lord Jesus and his loving kindness by ministering together to our church family, our community, and to the Church at large.

Statements of Belief

The Church has been around for over two thousand years, and has traditionally held to ancient creeds (statements of belief). As Lutherans, we affirm these three ecumenical creeds: the Nicene Creed, the Apostles' Creed, and the Athanasian Creeds. Each week in worship we recite a creed together as a witness that together, the body of Christ upholds one another into the one faith in which we are baptized. 

God with us

Emmanuel comes from a Hebrew word meaning, "God is with us." It's built into our name, and who we are as followers of Jesus Christ created by God. We believe that in Jesus Christ, God has come to all human beings that we may find our hope, and our life in Jesus. It is because of this that we can stand firm on the gospel truth that we are not saved by any works of our own, but by God's grace alone. Quite simply, "God with us" means that no matter where you are on your faith journey, God is with you, and God is with us all.