Women's Group - WELCA

Our Women of the Evangelical Church in America (WELCA) consists of several different small groups that meet to pray, support, and lift up one another as they serve the church and the wider community. They are named after different women of the Bible, and are always looking for ways they can support and serve. They partner with the wider Saxe Gotha Conference WELCA groups, the SC Women of the ELCA, as well as the National Women of the ELCA. There are several groups that come out of WELCA including the Altar Committee that sets up worship for us, and the Bereavement teams that provide meals for funeral services for members and immediate family. These are  just a few of the many ways that WELCA supports the mission and ministry of God here. 

For more information, please contact Jennifer Nuovo at jennifernuovo@yahoo.com

To mobilize women to act boldly on their faith in jesus christ


Each circle meets monthly. We invite you to come to several to get to know each one. 

Dorcas - Wednesday after 2nd Sunday  - 7:30 pm

Lydia - 3rd Tuesday - 7:00 pm

Priscilla - 1st Tuesday - 10:30 am

Rebekah - 1st Tuesday - 7:00 pm