Youth - LCY

LCY stands for "Lutheran Church Youth." Our youth group runs from 6th to 12th grade, and is geared towards this age group. Our goal is to provide a place for young people to grow deeper in faith as they experience Christian fellowship, a faith formation, grow deeper roots within this faith community. We know that these are formative years as young people begin to take their faith on for their own, and we support the deep questions of faith young people bring to the table. As we wrestle with deep questions together, our faith grows into something deeper and even more beautiful. 

Growing together - In Christ

Our youth group meets throughout the year for events that are specifically geared for their age group. In addition to fun and fellowship, our youth are committed to serving in God's name. They have made and delivered bird houses to some of our senior citizens and those who are shut in their houses as a sign that they are still loved and cared for by God and their church community. They have shopped for families in need during the holiday season, specifically focusing on kids their own age. They have collected and delivered food for out food pantry. They have learned and played handbells to enhance our worship, and they have delivered the beauty of God's grace through the use of American Sign Language (ASL) as God speaks through them. If you'd like more information about what else God is doing through them, please contact the church office.