Emmanuel Food Pantry

The Food Pantry here at Emmanuel Lutheran is open on the third Tuesday of every month from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. We are committed to serving those in need within our community. Our goal is to help families and individuals with necessary food and household supplies to get them through a short term need. For more long-term need, we also partner with local organizations such as God's Helping Hands in Cayce, Mission Lexington, and Transitions. All items are donated by church members, or bought from local stores to give to those in need. We do accept donations of shelf stable food items. If you are interested in donation or helping, please contact our church office. 

When I was hungry, you gave me something to eat

Emmanuel's FOod Pantry

We know that asking for help when you are in need can be one of the most difficult things you can do. Because of that, we are committed to treating each person with the love and respect of Jesus Christ when they are in need. We are open on the third Tuesday of every month. 

"‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these."

                                                                            + Mark 12:31

Angel Tree

Each year during Advent, our congregation participates in the Angel Tree program for families that sign up from our food pantry. We are committed to making a difference with the love of God right here in our community. The Angel Tree gifts were purchased, wrapped, and handed out by members of our congregation. This past year, this served almost 100 different people!