Offerings at EMMANUEL


The biblical call to stewardship is a long word that simply means that what we have is a gift from God, and we are entrusted to use it well. You give back to God through your time, your talent, and your treasures. Your financial generosity is greatly appreciated, and connects you to the mission of God in new and deeper ways. Your gift enhances and helps to grow God's mission through Emmanuel.

Support Our Church

Giving is a part of our worship to God. We can easily say that all we have is a gift from God, and we certainly believe that here! But that means that living generously is an act of worship towards God.  There are many places you can give to that help to fulfill God's mission in the world, and we thank God for the ways you are generous, not just here, but throughout the community. Your money will help us serve the community, and extend God’s hope and healing to our community and beyond.

We give because God has first blessed us, and calls us to be stewards of our time, our talents, and yes, our treasures. We do not give out of fear of anything negative, or a sense that God will give us some sort of monetary reward if we give a "required" amount. We give because generosity is a part of who we are.

Our online giving is done through, an organization that specializes in church online giving options. By clicking the link below, it will take you straight to the secure online giving website.