
We are committed to raising up disciples among all ages here at Emmanuel. This includes our adults. Our goal is to recognize that growth as a disciple of Christ is deeper than more learning the Bible stories, but connecting them to your life as we serve God together in this place. The adults here at Emmanuel are a caring group of people that are committed to serving our community, learning more about God's witness in our world, and sharing God's unending love with ALL people. 

Adults in action

Witness and Service

We are committed to serving our community in God's name. A few years ago, it was discovered that local high school students often did not have food when they had to stay at school for certain events. Out of the commitment to serving those in need, our congregation dedicated themselves to serve local school programs. This year, we have served a meal the the Airport High School Varsity Football Team, the White Knoll High School Band, and the Airport High Junior Varsity Football Team. We are always looking for new ways to serve and love our community because God first loved us. 

Fun and Fellowship in our community

We love to find ways to share the good news in our community, Pictured here are adult members sharing some food and a drink of their choice at a local Beer and Hymns event we help sponsor at Savage Craft Ale Works. This event is for all ages, and we love spending time in our community. We know that churches are often really good at asking people to come to them, but recognize that we can go to where people already are as we share quality time in our community. 

Growing Closer to God and one another

enjoy life together

We also seek to enjoy life with one another. We believe that God had given us the gift of authentic community that we can share our difficulties, as well as our joy filled moments. We try to grow closer with one another in a community filled with the love of God! Pictured next to this is a board game night that was filled with laughter and joy.