What to Expect

Is this your first time joining in worship with us here at Emmanuel? Great! You may be wondering a bit about what to expect. First, the information you may find helpful. 

We worship at 10:30 AM each Sunday at

2491 Emanuel Church Road

West Columbia, SC 29170

You're welcome to come in whatever attire you choose. We see people come in t-shirt and shorts, and people that come in wearing a dress. or suit and tie. Whatever it is, you are welcome to come as you are comfortable. For some that means dressing up as little - or as much - as you feel comfortable. Our worship is in what is known as a "liturgical" style. That simply means that the worship follows a familiar format each week based upon the way the church has worshipped for over 2,000 years, and that the congregation takes part in spoken dialogue. You are more than an audience, you are integral to the worship of our Lord! 

If you have young ones and you'd like to take a few moments away, we have an area set up in our parlor for parents and children to take a short break, but of course, children are ALWAYS welcome in the worship service!

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Emmanuel Lutheran church

Prayer requests

We all find ourselves in need of prayer from time to time in our life. Maybe you are going through a difficult time. Maybe you are wondering about where to turn next. Maybe you are just thankful for God's presence in your life.  Whatever it is, we invite you to submit prayer requests to our church office and our pastor using this form, or by calling (803) 755-9857